I was on duty in Biever tonight, it's odd to work somewhere other than Buddig. I don't know where anything is and the residents don't show their IDs. I got quite a bit done though, I have a big music history midterm on Monday as well as my German diction midterm. I'm pretty nervous about both. Tomorrow I have to really sit down and cram.
I made a flower and a clover tonight, I'm planning on making some more clovers for St. Patricks day. I can't believe it's March so soon. My recital is fast approaching, which is really stressing me out.
I am starting a new main project, A Big Daddy from Bioshock, my boyfriend though it would be a cool thing to make. I'm pretty excited about making an amigurumi Big Daddy. I'm going off the design from the first game, I thought it was cooler looking.